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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Cikk: Felicity jumped out of the chair - 20/04/2012 03:36

'Just printing nike heels some drawings for Chloe.'

Felicity jumped out of the chair as if bitten and swiped the invitations off the printer before Ethan got close enough to see them, curling them into a tube. 'Funny how…I can remember how to operate…a computer and how to party-um, print but not what…my name…is. I think Darlene said list-er, lunch would be ready soon.' With those two slips of the tongue Felicity nike high heels raced out leaving a bemused but hopefully unsuspicious Ethan in her wake. Felicity not for the first time wondered if her predictably racing pulse whenever Ethan invaded her personal space was dangerous to her heart.

Ethan seated himself at his desk and automatically returned his address book to the drawer vaguely puzzled as to why he left it out in the first place, and when. His thoughts though refused to analyse this small problem since they became fogged by his sense of smell. Felicity was wearing the same scent she had bought the first day out with Darlene. red bottom shoes Ethan was sure that he would always associate it with her, even when she was gone. Again the thought of her leaving did not please him.

He logged onto the computer not registering that he did not need to type nike dunk heels in his name first.

'That was close Darlene!' unnecessarily whispering as if Ethan rooms away could have heard. Whispering seemed somehow appropriate, Felicity thought. 'Darlene the emails are out but there's this small bundle to be posted. Can you do it on Monday? I know nike high heels they won't get them until Tuesday but that can't be helped.'

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Cikk: Hello we're home - 23/04/2012 03:08

'Hello we're home!' chorused Rachel and Chloe.

'Wait until you see what I've nike heels got for you Isabelle.' added the child as she skipped towards the stairs determined to show her favourite Barbie doll her new gown.Rachel called after her. 'Lunch will be in about an hour Chloe. I'll call you when it's ready.'Thoughts far away from nike high heels lunch the rapidly disappearing Chloe nodded absentmindedly that she had heard.

Rachel made her way through the silent house towards the kitchen noting how strangely quiet the house was. No cleaner vacuuming, red bottom shoes gardener mowing or Darlene pottering around somewhere. There wasn't even a radio on, strange considering that Darlene was so addicted to talkback radio. Maybe she was still out grocery shopping, Rachel thought but no, there were the environmentally friendly green shopping bags sitting on the bench. Stranger still was the condensation on the milk bottles and the leaking ice cream container. They had been sitting there for a while. Rachel's nike high heels growing apprehension brought out goose bumps as she searched the patio, laundry and family room all the while calling the housekeepers name.

'Chloe is Darlene up there with you?' From the bottom of the stairs Rachel looked up to the Chanel Bags Outlet Online second floor landing.'Nup''Can you look in all the bedrooms for me possum?''Sure thing.' Rachel then heard little feet scampering nike high heels between rooms with a repeated 'Not here.' Chloe then came to the top of the stairs.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Cikk: His dinner of greasy fries - 24/04/2012 03:05

His dinner of greasy fries and hamburger was churning in Ranny's stomach as he lurched homeward from the bar. The unaccustomed addition of nike high heels cheap bourbon shots to his normal drink of beer alone was not helping either his digestion or his balance. With every shambling step, his mood darkened.

Ranny's life to date had not been one of great happiness - on the nike dunk heels contrary, it had been a most dismal existence. It began with his father's departure when he was barely a toddler, leaving him with no male role model. Instead, his mother had controlled his life not only at home but by her presence at his schools, doing her job as caretaker. Teenage years at high school had been unpleasant, because he was a slow learner and a red bottom shoes socially inept loaner. His break from that had seemed to come when he joined the Army, barely squeaking through the simple admission tests. But here, too, life did not improve for Ranny.

The boot camp drill sergeant was Ranny's first introduction to a strong male role model. But this unlikely father figure drove the new recruit's self-esteem nike high heels even further into the ground, just as he physically drove these hapless youths into the ground through long forced marches, hours of slogging through knee-deep mud bogs, and all the other tortures which were supposed to turn boys into men.

"Pick up that pack, Worlham, you sorry piece of shit. Didn't your Momma ever let you carry a sack of groceries? That nike high heels pack's only 80 pounds. Load it on your worthless back and get moving, or you'll be doing these 20 miles with 100 pounds!" was typical of the sergeant's Chanel Outlet communications yelled in Ranny's face.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Cikk: I almost ruined your life - 26/04/2012 06:23

Darian sighed. Dusty seated himself at his computer."I'm sorry I almost ruined your life," Darian said quietly."Don't Chanel Bags think that's possible," he said, looking up in amusement."I told Bianca about Jenn. Sofi said not to do that, and I did."He twisted to look up at Darian. The man's face was red with shame this time.

"I'm sorry, Dusty.""For talking to Bianca about Jenn?" he nike high heels echoed. "So what?""Never mind! You'll never understand!"The moody teenager was back. Darian jerked the door open and stormed out. Dusty wondered what the fuck was wrong with everyone around him and rubbed the back of his neck.

He checked his watch and rose, trotting out of the house to the barracks. Toni was right; the barracks area was packed. He nike high heels went to the newbie wing, where Jonny was placed, and rapped on the door.

Jonny answered, plainly pulled from sleep. His bleached hair was disheveled, his eyes squinting at the hall light. They widened as he recognized who was red bottom heels at his door.

Dusty pushed the door opened and flipped on the light. Jonny sat on his bed stiffly. His eyes were dark and warm like nike high heels Bianca's, his frame just over six feet and still lanky, though he showed signs of starting to fill out.

"I've been good," he whispered."Good," nike high heels Dusty said, sitting on the bed opposite him. "How you feeling?"